Aggressive Claims Management
- Dedicated Claims team located in Waterville, Maine
- Common goal between the claims team and members; help injured workers secure better treatment so they can return to work as soon as possible with fewer lost days.
- Dedicated Lost Time and Medical Only Adjusters
- Dedicated Nurse Case Manager
- Claims team creates action plan with injured worker, supervisor, and physician to steer the claim in a positive direction
Loss Control
- Safety/Loss Prevention Expert on Staff
- Monthly Safety Poster Program
- Guidance in Establishing A Safety Program to fit individual member needs
- Continuing Update on Compensation Laws and OSHA Regulations
- Governed by a Board of Trustees, Elected by Members
- Regulated by the Maine Bureau of Insurance
- Competitive Pricing
- Dividends returned to members for good performance
- Stable environment; unlike the carrier market, our services and appetite do not fluctuate regardless of market conditions
- Excess insurance for catastrophic coverage provided by Midwest Casualty Corporation (A+ rated)